Friday, April 30, 2010


Work had got me very much out of the Uni frame of mind. It's been weeks, if not months since I was inspired. This is perhaps the dwindling feeling of what is looming after this. A step in the right direction that is my profession? The Bar? Settling down?

These were the thoughts that plagues my mind. Day by day, little by little just nudging me into a non caring state of being. However, in the last 48 hours something miraculous has taken place. I am inspired! I am flowing with ideas and plans for my research. I am looking forward to the 45,000 words and 90 minutes of presentations that are between me and my masters. This has never happened. Hopefully this LLM can inspire me further and sort my mind out once and for all.

This epiphany was realised with the dawn of my research proposal that is due in later today. I have since completed it and absorbed it. My standpoint of the history and implementations of anti drug legislation is seemingly unique. How unique this is, will be determined in the next few hours... *fingers crossed*

The reading on the Medellin & Cali Cartels have left me wanting more. This cements my love for law. Something I thought had vanished since I finished my degree. So hopefully this inspiration lasts and persists....

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